‘Fertile Conversations’ – Second Consecutive Collaboration with The Times of India | A Social Meet Up
The Times of India organized ‘Fertile Conversations’ in collaboration with Fertility Dost and Nova IVI Fertility for the second consecutive year with the main focus on empowering people on the infertility issues, its treatments and the social stigma attached with it.
The term ‘infertility’ itself is seen as a word that shouldn’t be said out loud. People talk about it in hushed tones and some couples with infertility issues do not even wish to term it as ‘infertility’. The way society sees this issue is making it much more difficult to address it openly.
The main aim of this social meet up was to get people to open up and boost their morale that there is nothing wrong in discussing one’s infertility. The meet saw a lot of couples who had emerged successful after their tryst with infertility or those who are currently undergoing it and need a little boost up to face it head-on.
The talk focuses on breaking down all the unnecessary boundaries of social taboo present around the term ‘infertility’ and look beneath it to see the trauma they go through. With the suggestions for treatments from various doctors and women sharing their personal journey, the event saw the infertility issues approached from various facets. Ms. Gitanjali Banerjee, Founder of Fertility Dost, addressed the less-trodden subject of opening up about infertility and empowered couples to not be ashamed of speaking about their own infertility issues.
The Need For The ‘Conversation’
Parenthood is an essential part of the life and many feel that it is a very easy journey. But when couples are not successful on their path to become parents, that is when the actual trouble starts that puts their mental strength to test. People have to understand that it is just a part of life and it does not define one’s whole life.
In India, one among every 10 to 12 couples encounter the problem of infertility in their life. While some come out successful at the end, some may not. But these couples have to be made aware that there are alternate options for infertility problems and they need to be supported to get through the hard phase.
Asking questions on infertility is the need of the hour as it is exponentially increasing. There is no rooted cause to point out, but one of the main reasons attributed to infertility is the change in the lifestyle.
With women becoming more career-oriented, infertility among women is on the rise and this is the right time to spread the awareness about it. Many are ignorant about the concept of infertility or are too afraid to speak their minds.
The Role Of The Society – Converting The Bane To Boon
Many couples start avoiding meeting people, attending family functions and social gatherings because they are not comfortable to talk about their infertility or are afraid that they will become the fodder for the gossip mills.
This is a wake-up call for all such couples to make them confident enough to say it out loud, own up to their problems and not hide inside the house. This is the only way they can feel a bit good about themselves and get out from the fear of being judged.
More importantly, the society could bring the change in the lives of such couples by understanding the ordeals they are going through. It is crucial to create a society where infertility isn’t treated like a shielded subject that one should be embarrassed to speak about. Instead, the society must be made to realize that this is the time couples with infertility problems needs support and it isn’t right to shun them from their group or start gossiping behind their back.
Fertile Conversations, A Social Meet Up
The social meet up was held in three different metropolitan cities of India with the panel consisting of doctors from the respective cities and Ms. Gitanjali Banerjee as the moderator. The doctors gave valuable inputs and insights about the infertility treatments and relatable scenarios to guide infertile couples.
Ms.Gitanjali Banerjee stressed the importance of empowering oneself when faced with infertility issues in life and broached on the subject of life after infertility. From inspirations drawn from her personal experiences, she gave strength to the women to bring out their stronger side and asked them to be bold and brave during the entire period.
Social Meet Up At Gurgaon
This meet up saw doctors addressing and clearing the doubts on infertility with an overwhelming response from the audience who shared their own stories as well.
Dr Parul Katiyar, NOVA IVI Fertility
Dr. Manju Mehta, Clinical Psychologist, Holy Family Hospital
Ms. Gitanjali Banerjee, Founder, Fertility Dost
Social Meet Up At Bangalore
Bangalore witnessed the emotions the infertility couples go through and discussed on the topic of adoption too.
Dr Aviva Pinto, NOVA IVI Fertility
Akshara Damle, Founder & Psychologist, Mano Samvaada
Ms. Gitanjali Banerjee, Founder, Fertility Dost
Social Meet Up At Mumbai
The treatments for infertility, the causes that leads to such problems and the approach a woman can take were discussed with inputs from various women from the audience.
Dr Sulbha Arora, NOVA IVI Fertility
Ms. Hvovi Bhagwagar, Clinical Psychologist
Ms. Erum Saeed, Founder Admin, MomsOfIndia
Ms. Gitanjali Banerjee, Founder, Fertility Dost
In each of these cities, the social meet up was a huge success with more and more women opening up about their journey and gaining strength from each other. Various questions that made the panel members think and some narratives that made every emotional were discussed openly and could see the difference it made in the hearts of the audience.
Fertility Dost is proud to be a part of such an event that makes a difference in people’s lives and would like to extend our help to various other women in getting the right treatment and also in maintaining their emotional wellbeing by giving them the support they need.
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