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Top 35 FAQ on IUI Treatment

Top 35 FAQ on IUI Treatment

How to start the IUI infertility treatment and whether IUI treatment will give 100% success results? are some of the first few questions that cross the mind. The more you read about it, the more significant number of questions add to the already long, unanswered list of medical jargon. But hey! Don’t worry, we are here to summarize and answer all your queries or doubts about – The IUI Treatment.


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IUI Explained: Your Top 35 Questions, Answered

1.  What Is IUI?

What is the full form of IUI? – It is called, Intrauterine Insemination. IUI is performed by collecting the partner’s sperm or a donor’s sperm and placing it inside the uterus of a woman to increase the chances of fertilization. The sperm of a man is collected and is put through the process of ‘sperm washing’. By sperm washing, the swimming sperm is separated from the non-swimming ones and all the undesirable matter are removed. This swimming sperm is now placed in a woman’s uterus and closer to the fallopian tubes using a catheter around the time of ovulation.

Read More – What Exactly Is IUI?


2.  What Is Sperm Wash?

The first step of preparing a sperm sample for IUI is – Sperm wash. Sperm washing separates sperm cells from semen, removes dead sperms, weak sperms, white blood cells, germs, debris, and prostaglandins. The sperm sample now contains only the strongest & healthiest sperm that significantly increase your chances of conception.


3.  What Are Prostaglandins?

Prostaglandins are chemicals that cause muscle contractions. These chemicals are responsible for cramps during menstruation and pregnancy. If sperm wash process is not done and directly raw semen that have prostaglandins is inserted into the uterus instead of cervix, then a women might experience severe pain, cramps and in worst scenario – cause uterus to collapse.


4.  Is There A Specific Sperm Count Needed To Perform IUI?

While a minimum sperm counts of 1 million is seen as the limit, it is recommended to have a sperm count of at least 5 million. Higher sperm count will increase the chances of fertilization.



5.  What Are The Types Of IUI?

There are mainly two types of IUI

1.    The natural IUI cycle

2.    The stimulated IUI cycle


6.  Is IUI Treatment Painful?

Generally, it is not, as IUI is a non-invasive treatment. But pain is subjective and may vary person to person. You may feel a little pain or uncomfortableness when the catheter is inserted into your uterus.


7.  Anaesthesia Is Given In IUI Treatment?

No. Anaesthesia is not given in IUI treatment.


8.  How Long Is The IUI Process?

IUI procedure usually takes 15-20 mins. The patient is discharged soon after the treatment.


9.  What Is The Success Rate For IUI?





20 to 30 years.



30 to 35 years



35 to 39 years



40 years



40+ years




10. What Is The Cost Of IUI Treatment?

The average cost of IUI treatment is Rs. 8000 to Rs. 15,000.  However, the final cost may vary due to other factors like doctor consultation fees, location of clinic, medications, age of couples etc…

Get Complete Details Of IUI Cost In India


11. How Many IUIs Should I Try Before Moving On To IVF?

If your age is under 35, then 3 to 6 IUI cycles can be recommended. For women above 35, 3 IUI cycles can be recommended before opting for IVF. However, this may vary depending upon your medical history and infertility situation.


12. What Is The Difference Between IUI And IVF?




13. Can I Have Sex Before IUI?

Yes, you can have sex but 2-3 days before the sperm collection in order to ensure the best motility and morphology.


14. Any Risks In IUI Treatment?

The main risks are some discomforts such as cramping, minor injury to the cervix that leads to bleeding or spotting, or introduction of infection (including sexually transmitted disease from the sperm itself — it helps to be sure of the known donor’s health, or use carefully monitored frozen specimens). There are also risks of hyperstimulation associated with the use of ovulation induction medications such as clomiphene citrate (low risk) and gonadotropin therapy (higher risk). Proper technique and adequate monitoring reduce risks.


15. Is Age An Important Factor In IUI Treatment?

Yes. Age is an important factor in IUI treatment. When a woman ages, the number of eggs in her ovarian reserve or AMH levels becomes lesser and lesser. Therefore, the higher the age is, the lesser are the chances of getting pregnant.


16. Do I Need To Prepare My Body Before IUI Treatment?

Yes. Many top fertility specialist doctors swear by holistic management in boosting fertility health naturally which result is faster conception. Fertility Yoga, Diet, Acupressure, Ayurveda and Counselling have proven to help women conceive either naturally or through IUI/IVF treatments.

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17. Do I Have To Lay Down After An IUI?

The cervix doesn’t remain open and so it is not mandatory to lay down after IUI. If your doctor suggests or you wish to relax then you can lay down for 10-15 mins.



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18. How Soon After An IUI Can I Have Intercourse?

Usually, you can have intercourse any time after an IUI. But if you had bleeding during IUI then your doctor may suggest waiting for 48 hours


19. Do I Need To Take Bedrest After IUI?

No. You don’t need to take bedrest. If you feel cramps or want to relax then rest for a while. But later can continue with your routine.


20. Should I Not Be Doing Any Hard Work After IUI?

It isn’t a necessity to go soft but some women reduce the amount of heavy lifting and high exertion works to let the sperm do its job easily.


21. Is It Possible To Conceive After First Cycle Of IUI Treatment?

It usually takes 3 cycles of IUI. But yes, you might get pregnant after first cycle if your age is less than 30, have healthy reproductive organs and good quality of sperms & eggs.


22. Can The Sperm Fall Out?

You may feel the sperm is falling out due to the increased wetness after the procedure. This happens because of the catheter loosening mucus in the cervix and allowing it to flow out. But don’t worry! once the sperm is injected into the uterus, it does not fall out.


23. How Long After IUI Should Implantation Occur?

Implantation generally takes place 6-12 days after ovulation — so 6-12 days after a well-timed IUI. See abstract.


24. How Long After IUI Treatment, I Should Do Pregnancy Test?

2 weeks after the insemination.


25. Will I Get Pregnant With IUI?

There is no surety that you will get pregnant with IUI treatment. But undergoing one cycle of IUI increases your chances of getting pregnant by 5% to 20%. You can opt for multiple cycles which will further increase the chances of you getting pregnant.


26. I Am Having PCOS, Can I Do IUI Treatment?

Yes. If you have no other medical condition other than PCOS, you can do IUI after treating your PCOS.


27. i am having endometriosis, can i do iui treatment?

There are 4 stages of endometriosis, if you are in 1st or 2nd stage then IUI treatment can be done. However, stage 3rd and 4th might require surgical procedure. Consult your doctor before starting the process.


28. Does IUI Treatment Helps In Conception In Case Of Blocked Fallopian Tubes?

In case of blocked fallopian tubes, the sperm cannot travel to the eggs which means no fertilization. IN this situation, IVF treatment is best suitable.


29. My first baby was conceived normally but for second baby doctor is advising IUI. What should I do?

This is because you are suffering from secondary infertility. In such cases, first child is conceived naturally but due to growing age one might face secondary infertility. Consulting Doctor is must.


30. How Do I Choose The Right IUI Doctor?

Don’t blindly believe in google reviews. Do your own research as well. Visit the clinic if you can and check for below important things-

  • The Doctor should be an infertility specialist
  • The clinic must have well equipped latest technology
  • The Doctor should be a good listener and is also answering your queries
  • The clinic must be hygienic
  • Staff must be friendly & cooperative


31. Can I Do IUI At Home?

Now-a-days there are some IUI kits available but IUI is a medical treatment and requires professional monitoring by either Doctor, experienced nurse or mid-wife. Doing at home with no guidance can cause complications later. If you still wish to do it on your own then success rate in such cases is not certain.


32. What Diet Should I Take Before IUI?

Take a healthy balanced diet if you are planning for IUI. Fertility diet plays a major role in boosting your fertility health and IUI success rate. To get your personalised diet plan, connect with us today.


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33. Is IUI possible after IVF?

Generally, IUI is recommended before IVF. After 3 or more failed IUI attempts a couple is recommended for IVF. The vice-a-versa is not applicable.


34. What To Do When IUI Fails?

After the recommended cycles of IUI treatment fails, then the next option that is generally recommended by doctors is IVF.


35. How To Be Positive After Failed IUI?

Be kind to yourself, journal your emotions or talk to your dear ones, take care of your health, seek medical counselling.


If you are planning for IUI treatment or have had failed IUI attempts, then join our Fertility Coach Program to boost your fertility health and increase your chances of IUI success rate. Enrol now and start your infertility to parenthood journey with Fertility Dost.


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